Thursday, October 20, 2016


An important theme of the Old Testament is the negative outcome of allilopantrema believers with unbelievers.
Angels are spiritual beings, and therefore is not compatible with reproductive human women.
Supporters of the Angel-hybrid position held by the following:

Angels recorded in both cases, in the Bible, such as the consumption of food, therefore, they have some ability to interact with the material world.
Angels can sometimes be indistinguishable from human beings, and "some have entertained angels
Sexual immorality of Sodom and Gommorah described as "equally" in comparison with the actions of angels that "left their proper abode" and that Jesus is chained in darkness until the Judgment
We really do not know what can and can not do angels, as they have the ability to capture and study them, and the Bible says little about them.
The question to be decided by context and evidence rather than preconceived ideas about the nature of angels.
The Augustinian position fails to explain the production of giant offspring of the union of believers and unbelievers.
The unanimous position of Jews and writers before Philo of Alexandria is that angels came down and gave birth to children with women. with unbelievers.
Angels are spiritual beings, and therefore no reproduction compatibility with the human female.

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